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Edible Cookie Dough: Lions Pack Letdown

Edible cookie dough is all the rage these days, and for good reason. Being able to shovel raw dough in your face without having to worry about salmonella is one of the greatest innovations of our time (priorities). This trend is being taken to the next level by companies specializing in protein-based cookie dough made with healthier ingredients than your traditional flour, sugar, and butter. So think Halo Top in cookie dough form.

The Lions Pack is one of the many companies attempting to do this, and I stress the word "attempt" because I would not call their products a success. They offer a ridiculous amount of flavor options including everything from Samoa, to Cap'n Crunch, to pistachio white chocolate, that initially make you think "wow, how can I choose just one of these?" before realizing, "how on earth can these all be good?" Well my friends, that's just the thing, they're not.

Let me break them down for you. I went with four flavors: white chocolate macadamia, golden Oreo, white chocolate Reese's, and snickerdoodle. I wanted to have a sampling of classic flavors that seemed fairly reliable and some more interesting ones that feature my favorite junk foods. As very well stated by my junk food idol, Junk Banter, the texture of these doughs isn't half bad, but the overwhelming taste of pea protein just ruins the entire experience. Upon first bite, you can taste some of whatever that specific flavor is if you really search for it, but then you're immediately greeted by a bland, protein-y spoonful of bleh. Really descriptive, I know.


Going from left to right, we have snickerdoodle, white chocolate Reese's, Golden Oreo, and white chocolate macadamia. If I had to choose a winner, it would be snickerdoodle simply because its flavor most resembled an actual cookie dough. I mean, it's pretty hard to screw up cinnamon, so it was naturally the winner. However, despite their really favorable calorie counts (around 115 calories per 2 tbs serving) none of them are really worth eating. This is a huge bummer considering how much their cost and their shipping fee added up to.

Until I try any other brands of edible cookie dough, I'll be sticking to the wildly overpriced, but far more delicious Cookie Dō NYC.

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